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Field sales, often referred to as outside sales, is a vital component of many businesses’ sales strategies. It involves sales representatives traveling to potential clients, engaging with them face-to-face, and selling products or services in person.

This method of selling is distinct from inside sales, where representatives conduct sales remotely, often via phone calls or online platforms.

The field sales process requires sales reps to identify prospects, make contact, pursue leads, and ultimately close deals. This approach is particularly prevalent in the business-to-business (B2B) and wholesale sectors, where forging strong relationships and securing long-term contracts are crucial for success.

Field sales can also be effective in other industries, such as at trade shows, conferences, or even door-to-door sales.

To excel in field sales, representatives must possess strong interpersonal and communication skills. They must also be adept at understanding their prospects’ needs and presenting tailored solutions. The key to a successful field sales strategy is developing a deep understanding of target markets, nurturing relationships, and providing exceptional value to clients.

Field Sales Explained

Field sales, also known as outside sales, is a sales strategy where sales representatives visit customers and sell products or services in person. This approach prioritizes the creation and nurturing of face-to-face customer relationships. Sales managers typically assign field salespeople to specific territories, such as cities and states. In some instances, field salespeople can also be assigned accounts based on industry experience and company size.

Contrasting with field sales is inside sales, where sales representatives sell to prospects remotely, usually from an office setting, via phone calls or online communication tools. While both field and inside sales aim to generate revenue, the key difference lies in the method of engagement with the customers.

Field sales representatives engage in several activities, including identifying prospects, making contact, pursuing leads, and ultimately, closing deals. They often travel to meet potential and existing clients in their assigned territories, providing personalized presentations, product demonstrations, and relationship-building efforts.

The primary benefits of field sales include:

  • Building and maintaining strong relationships with clients through face-to-face interactions
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of clients’ specific needs and desires
  • Providing tailored solutions and demonstrating products in a more engaging manner
  • Enhancing the likelihood of reaching a higher level of trust and rapport with decision-makers

However, there are also some challenges associated with field sales, such as:

  • Increased costs related to travel and logistics
  • Managing time effectively when balancing client meetings and other duties
  • Keeping up with changing market trends and customer preferences

To succeed in field sales, representatives must possess strong communication skills, excel in time management, be proficient in product knowledge, and demonstrate adaptability in various situations and environments.

In conclusion, field sales is a critical component of many business strategies, particularly when building long-lasting, meaningful customer relationships is a priority. By balancing field sales and inside sales, organizations can effectively cater to different customer needs and preferences, driving revenue growth and business success.

Role of Field Sales Representatives

Field sales representatives are crucial in the sales process, as they are responsible for selling a company’s products or services by identifying leads, educating prospects, and establishing long-term relationships with customers. These sales reps work through the entire sales cycle, from developing new leads and presenting solutions to securing deals and maintaining client relationships.

One of the primary tasks of field sales representatives is to identify prospects. Their role involves researching potential clients and initiating contact, either through cold calling or in-person visits. T

hey also build relationships with existing customers, ensuring they remain satisfied with the products or services being offered. By fostering these connections, field sales reps help to grow the business and achieve company sales targets.

Another essential skill for field sales representatives is selling. They must be confident and knowledgeable about their company’s products or services, and adept at presenting them to potential clients.

This includes conducting product demonstrations, tailoring sales pitches to specific client needs, and addressing any objections or questions that may arise. Effective communication is key for field sales reps, as they need to be able to clearly explain the benefits and value of their offerings.

Field sales representatives are also responsible for managing leads, which entails tracking interactions and maintaining accurate records of sales activities. They use customer relationship management (CRM) tools to manage their pipeline, prioritize leads, and monitor progress toward closing deals.

In addition, field sales reps must stay informed about the latest industry trends, competitor activities, and emerging market opportunities. This knowledge helps them to better understand their clients’ needs and tailor their sales strategies accordingly.

In conclusion, the role of field sales representatives is multifaceted and requires a comprehensive skillset. From identifying and nurturing leads to presenting and selling products or services, field sales reps play a critical role in driving business growth. Ultimately, their success is measured by their ability to build and maintain productive client relationships, and maximize profitability within their sales territory.

The Sales Process

The sales process is a series of steps that sales representatives follow in order to close deals and generate revenue. This process involves identifying prospects, conducting research, engaging in face-to-face interactions, and ultimately, closing the sale.

Field sales is a crucial aspect of this process, as it involves sales representatives meeting with potential customers directly, building strong relationships, and tailoring their approach based on customer needs.

Field sales, or outside sales, provides the opportunity for sales teams to engage with prospects and customers in person. This approach allows for genuine connections and better communication, as sales reps are able to address questions and concerns in real time.

Face-to-face interactions are a vital part of field sales, helping to establish trust and rapport with potential customers, ultimately leading to higher closing rates and stronger long-term relationships.

The first step in the sales process is to identify and research potential customers, or prospects. This includes understanding their needs, interests, and preferences, as well as any challenges they might be facing.

Knowledgeable sales reps are equipped to address these needs and provide tailored solutions, demonstrating the value of the products or services being sold.

Once prospects have been identified and researched, the field sales team moves on to the next stage: engaging with potential customers.

This can take various forms such as door-to-door visits for individual consumers or business-to-business engagements for enterprises, demonstrating the versatility of field sales. Meetings can also be pre-scheduled, ensuring that sales reps have ample time to prepare for their presentations.

During the face-to-face interaction, sales reps not only present their products or services but also work towards building a long-lasting relationship with the customer.

This involves actively listening to customer feedback, providing relevant information, and demonstrating a genuine interest in solving their problems. Field sales representatives often have a unique advantage over their inside sales counterparts, as they are able to gauge body language, tone, and other non-verbal cues, enabling them to better address customers’ needs.

Successful field sales efforts culminate in the close of a deal, wherein the customer agrees to purchase the product or service.

However, the sales process does not end there – field sales reps must continue to nurture these relationships, providing post-sales support, and ensuring customer satisfaction. This ongoing relationship-building strengthens trust, fosters customer loyalty, and may ultimately lead to repeat business or referrals.

In summary, field sales is an essential element of the sales process, involving direct, face-to-face interactions with potential customers.

This approach allows sales teams to build strong relationships, demonstrate their expertise, and adapt to customer needs, ultimately resulting in successful sales and long-term customer engagement.

Field Sales vs. Inside Sales

Field sales, also known as outside sales, involve salespeople selling a company’s products or services through face-to-face interactions at industry events, conferences, or personal meetings with customers. These sales professionals typically focus on building long-term relationships with clients and often have the responsibility of closing deals on high-value products or services.

Inside sales, on the other hand, refers to the process of selling to customers remotely. Inside sales representatives use digital channels such as phone calls, emails, and video conferencing to reach potential clients. They often handle inbound leads generated by marketing efforts and collaborate closely with the marketing department to nurture leads and close sales.

One of the primary differences between field sales and inside sales is the manner of communication. Field sales rely on in-person meetings, which can result in a more personal and engaging experience for the customer.

This face-to-face interaction provides salespeople with the opportunity to better understand customer needs, address concerns, and establish trust. Inside sales, however, rely on various digital communication methods to engage customers, and it can be more challenging for sales representatives to establish the same level of personal connection with clients.

Field sales and inside sales each have their own unique advantages when it comes to meeting different business needs. Field sales are often more effective for closing complex, high-value deals, as they allow salespeople to develop strong relationships with customers and provide tailored solutions.

Inside sales, on the other hand, can be more cost-effective and efficient, especially for companies that sell products or services with a simpler sales cycle or primarily serve small businesses.

Both field sales and inside sales play crucial roles in a company’s overall sales strategy. By leveraging the strengths of each approach and utilizing them in a complementary manner, businesses can maximize their reach and achieve their sales goals.

In today’s technologically advanced world, companies must adapt their sales strategies by blending the traditional field sales methods with innovative inside sales techniques to effectively engage customers and drive sales growth.

Building Relationships with Customers

Field sales professionals excel in building strong relationships with customers because of their ability to engage with prospects face-to-face. The success of field sales is partly due to the emphasis on building valuable connections, resulting in lasting customer relationships and loyalty.

Effective customer engagement is the key to maintaining these relationships. Field sales representatives often utilize several tactics to form strong bonds with their customers. These may include actively listening to customers’ concerns, being readily available to address any issues they may face, and offering personalized solutions.

To foster healthy customer relationships, field sales professionals should prioritize the following:

  • Consistency in communication: Regular and clear communication helps build trust between the sales representative and the customer. Field sales reps should establish a set schedule for regular check-ins and updates.
  • Mutually beneficial outcomes: Successful customer relations in field sales revolve around mutual growth and benefit. By working towards common goals with the customer, the sales representative can create a sense of partnership that lasts.
  • Empathy and understanding: Taking the time to understand the customer’s unique needs and challenges can help create a strong bond. Demonstrating empathy and showing a genuine interest in their success leads to lasting relationships.
  • Personalization: Field sales professionals are positioned to offer tailored solutions and recommendations specific to each customer. This level of personalization can significantly improve the customer experience and keep clients satisfied.

Investing in these customer relationship-building tactics not only improves customers’ overall satisfaction but can also result in the expansion of field sales professionals’ existing customer base. Through ongoing engagement, field sales reps can forge meaningful relationships that will ultimately drive their success and that of their customers.

Lead Generation and Prospecting

Lead generation and prospecting are essential components of field sales, helping businesses in both B2B and B2C sectors to identify, engage, and convert potential clients into customers. These two processes are complementary and enable sales teams to have a steady inflow of new leads, empowering them to grow the customer base.

Lead generation is the process of identifying and attracting potential customers who show interest in a company’s products or services, often by providing their contact information in exchange for gated content or offers.

It mainly falls within the marketing department’s domain. Some common lead generation tactics include marketing campaigns, content offerings, and targeted advertising. In the B2B sales context, lead generation strategies may focus on targeting decision-makers and influencers within organizations.

Prospecting, on the other hand, is a sales-driven effort that involves manually searching for new business opportunities, conducting research to identify potential clients, and reaching out to them through various channels, such as cold calling, emails, or industry events.

Sales representatives generally engage in prospecting activities to find and qualify prospects, based on defined criteria and relevance to the company’s offering. Unlike lead generation, prospecting is heavily reliant on manual effort and requires a proactive approach from sales reps.

In the B2B sales environment, both lead generation and prospecting are particularly significant. Generating leads provides a foundation for the sales pipeline and can be amplified through targeted prospecting efforts, allowing sales teams to engage prospective clients at different stages of the buyer’s journey more effectively.

While prospecting and lead generation differ in their focus and implementation, both are equally essential for a successful field sales strategy.

By combining these two approaches, organizations can optimize the resource allocation, maintain a healthy sales pipeline, and accelerate revenue growth. This blend of techniques ensures that both marketing and sales teams work together in a streamlined fashion to identify, nurture, and convert prospects into long-term, satisfied customers.

Sales Strategies and KPIs

Field sales, also known as outside sales, involves selling products and services outside a typical office setting. Professional field sales reps travel to prospects and engage with them in face-to-face interactions, thereby building trust and rapport. A successful field sales strategy depends on setting clear goals, quotas, and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success.

Sales Strategies should be aligned with the organization’s overall goals and objectives. Such strategies could include targeting specific customer segments, focusing on new markets, or expanding product offerings. It’s essential to continuously adapt and improve sales strategies to stay competitive in the market.

Setting Goals is crucial to drive sales reps’ performance and motivation. These goals could be related to revenue targets, the number of new customers acquired, or retaining existing clients. It’s important to keep revisiting and adjusting these goals in line with the achievements and changing market conditions.

Establishing Quotas helps to manage workload distribution among the sales team and can be used as a benchmark to evaluate their performance. Quotas vary depending on factors like size of the territory, product pricing, and industry verticals. Revisiting and re-evaluating quotas periodically helps in keeping the sales team motivated and aligned with the organization’s goals.

KPIs are essential to monitor, evaluate, and recalibrate sales strategies, ensuring the team’s efforts are yielding the desired results. Essential KPIs for field sales include:

  • Close rate: The number of deals closed compared to the total number of prospects approached.
  • Sales pipeline: A detailed view of all the prospects in different stages of the sales process, which helps in predicting revenue and managing resources efficiently.
  • Average deal size: The average revenue generated per sale, which assists in planning and forecasting.
  • Sales cycle length: The time taken to complete the sales process from the first engagement to closing the deal, an important metric for resource allocation.
  • Customer lifetime value: The total revenue a customer generates during their entire relationship with the company, guiding sales and marketing decisions.

In conclusion, sales strategies and KPIs play a pivotal role in driving and measuring the success of field sales teams. Regularly revisiting and adapting these strategies, setting realistic goals, and tracking important KPIs ensures a productive and efficient field sales process.

Field Sales Team Management

A crucial aspect of field sales is the effective management of the sales team. Field sales managers play a key role in coordinating the efforts of the team members, ensuring that everyone works together to achieve the organization’s sales objectives.

In order to manage a field sales team effectively, it’s essential to establish clear communication channels between field sales reps and the manager. This can be achieved by holding regular team meetings, providing real-time updates on sales progress, and fostering open conversations about challenges faced by individual sales reps.

Another critical aspect of field sales team management is setting attainable goals and KPIs. These should be carefully designed to drive optimal performance, taking both external market conditions and the unique strengths of each team member into account. Once the goals are set, field sales managers should closely track progress and offer appropriate feedback to keep the team motivated and focused.

Moreover, it’s important for field sales managers to ensure that their team members have adequate tools and resources to succeed in their tasks. This may involve providing a variety of training and development opportunities to help the team stay current on industry best practices.

Additionally, leveraging technology to facilitate real-time data sharing and timely receiving of project management updates can help enhance team efficiency on the field.

Lastly, a strong field sales team management strategy must include regular evaluations and adjustments based on the team’s performance. By continuously assessing and optimizing the sales process, field sales managers can address concerns proactively, identify areas for improvement, and fine-tune their approach to generate better results.

In summary, effective field sales team management relies on clear communication, goal setting, providing necessary resources and training, and ongoing performance evaluations. By adopting a proactive and attentive approach to managing their sales teams, field sales managers can drive success and contribute to the overall growth of the organization.

Technology and Tools Used in Field Sales

Field sales teams today rely on a variety of technology and tools to help them build relationships, maintain communication, and streamline their daily processes. Some of the most essential technologies include CRM software, Salesforce, and tools for providing demos and presentations.

CRM Software: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is a crucial tool for field sales reps, allowing them to track and manage leads, customer information, and interactions. This software helps in organizing and prioritizing potential clients, maintaining a record of communication history, and ensuring a smooth customer journey. Popular CRM platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Microsoft Dynamics provide user-friendly interfaces with features tailored to field sales teams.

Salesforce: Salesforce is a widely used CRM software that offers tools for managing customer relationships, tracking leads and deals, and reporting on sales performance. This cloud-based platform can be accessed from any device, enabling field sales reps to perform tasks and access vital information even when they are away from the office. Moreover, Salesforce provides customization and integration capabilities, making it an indispensable tool for field sales teams looking to streamline their processes.

Technology for Demos and Presentations: Field sales representatives often need to provide product demonstrations and presentations to potential clients. Tools like tablets, laptops, and presentation software enable reps to showcase their offerings in a professional and engaging manner, making it easier to convert leads into customers. Technologies such as live video calls and screen-sharing platforms can also be used to give remote demos, further expanding the reach of field sales teams.

In conclusion, it’s evident that the use of technology and tools in field sales has become indispensable in today’s business environment. By leveraging CRM software, Salesforce, and modern presentation tools, field sales teams can effectively manage their relationships, track leads, and deliver compelling demos to drive sales and foster long-term customer loyalty.

Training and Education for Field Sales

In order to become successful in the field sales industry, individuals must undergo proper training and education to acquire essential skills. These skills range from interpersonal skills to product knowledge and sales techniques. A variety of training methods can be employed to equip professionals with the necessary skills and expertise.

Annual conferences, employee events, and mentorship programs are examples of in-person training opportunities that companies can offer their field sales teams. Additionally, online classes and courses are available to provide flexible learning options for those who want to improve their field sales capabilities.

When it comes to developing interpersonal skills, sales representatives must understand the importance of effective communication and the ability to build relationships with potential customers. Effective listening skills and empathy are crucial for understanding a customer’s needs and preferences, which in turn can lead to better sales outcomes.

Product knowledge is another key component in field sales. Sales professionals should be well-versed in the features, benefits, and applications of the products or services they are selling. This expertise allows them to confidently address customer questions, overcome objections, and ultimately, close deals more efficiently.

Educational qualifications may vary depending on the specific field sales role and industry. Some positions may require a degree in business or marketing, while others might value industry experience and proven sales records more highly. Regardless of the qualifications required, continuous skill development is crucial for maintaining success in the field sales industry.

In conclusion, thoughtful investment in training and education is paramount for any field sales professional or team. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement, companies can maximize the performance of their field sales teams and ensure lasting success in the competitive world of sales.

Sales Compensation and Income

A sales compensation plan is a payment strategy that determines how much sales representatives earn. This compensation typically includes a base salary, commission, and additional monetary incentives to encourage salespeople to meet or exceed their quotas.

Field sales representatives often have a higher base salary than their inside-sales counterparts, as they might have more responsibilities and expertise in closing deals and building lasting relationships with clients. Their compensation is designed to motivate and incentivize them to perform to the best of their abilities and to maximize their earnings.

The average salary for a sales representative in the United States is around $72,281 per year, with an additional $10,900 commission per year. Of course, this figure can vary significantly based on factors such as experience, industry, and company size. Certain high-paying sales roles, such as software sales representatives, can earn a total average compensation of $90,727, including base salary, commission, bonus, and profit sharing.

The sales compensation plan can be structured in various ways to suit the needs of an organization and its employees. Some common components include:

  • Base salary: This is the fixed income that a salesperson receives regardless of their performance. It provides a level of financial stability and security for the salesperson.
  • Commission: This is a percentage of the revenue generated by the salesperson’s closed deals. It serves as a direct incentive for salespeople to close more sales and exceed their quotas.
  • Bonuses: These are additional monetary rewards that a salesperson receives upon meeting specific targets or reaching milestones, such as exceeding their quota, closing a high-value deal, or achieving a high customer satisfaction score.
  • Non-monetary incentives: These may include benefits such as vacation days, professional development opportunities, or other perks that can enhance job satisfaction and encourage the salesperson to perform well.

By designing a well-thought-out sales compensation plan, companies can motivate their field sales teams to excel in their roles and contribute to the organization’s overall success. Finding the right balance between base salary, commission, and incentives is crucial in retaining top talent and maintaining a high-performing sales force.

Marketing and Events

Field sales, also known as outside sales, involves sales representatives selling a company’s products or services face-to-face at various locations such as industry events, conferences, or personal meetings with customers. Marketing and events play a crucial role in field sales, as they provide opportunities for sales reps to make direct contact with prospective clients and close deals.

Marketing in the context of field sales focuses on creating brand awareness, generating leads, and supporting the sales pipeline. One key aspect of marketing in field sales is the collaboration between the field marketing team and the sales representatives. The marketing team is responsible for developing campaigns, messaging, and strategies that align with the company’s objectives and support the field sales process.

Events such as trade shows, industry conferences, and seminars offer unique platforms for field sales reps to showcase their company’s products or services. These events provide valuable networking opportunities to establish connections with potential clients and create strong relationships. Participation in events also allows sales reps to gather insight into market trends, competitor offerings, and consumer preferences.

In order to maximize the potential of conferences and other events, field sales teams need to plan and prepare effectively. This includes:

  • Identifying and targeting the most relevant events for their industry
  • Developing tailored presentations, demonstrations, and promotional materials
  • Training sales reps to confidently and effectively represent the brand
  • Scheduling one-on-one meetings with prospects during the event

By leveraging marketing strategies and taking full advantage of events and conferences, field sales representatives can enhance their reach, forge valuable connections, and ultimately drive sales for their company.

Sales Territory Management

Sales Territory Management is a crucial aspect of field sales, as it involves the organization and allocation of resources to specific areas or groups, such as geography, industry, or role. This comprehensive process includes creating sales territories, assigning them to sales reps, monitoring their performance, and making adjustments as needed to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.

A well-managed sales territory targets a specific market, allowing the sales team to focus on closing deals and acquiring new clients. This streamlined sales strategy efficiently delivers resources to sales teams, enabling them to optimize their efforts in a particular territory. When implemented correctly, sales territory management brings a myriad of advantages, such as increased sales productivity, better resource allocation, and improved opportunities for the sales team.

Effective sales territory management can be implemented through several strategies:

  1. Define clear sales territories based on various factors, such as geographical location, account type, or industry. This allows the sales team to concentrate on their assigned regions and better understand their target market.
  2. Assign the sales reps based on their skills, experience, and familiarity with the territory. This ensures that each salesperson is well-equipped to handle the challenges and opportunities present in their assigned region.
  3. Regularly monitor and evaluate sales reps’ performances within their territories to identify areas for improvement, realign resources, and adjust the strategies as necessary.
  4. Leverage technology and tools, such as CRM systems or territory management software, to track metrics, streamline communication, and better manage customer and prospect data.
  5. Encourage collaboration among the sales reps within a territory, promoting sharing of best practices, insights, and leads that can contribute towards collective success.
  6. Ensure that your sales team has access to resources, such as training, marketing materials, and support, to help them succeed in their assigned territories.

By employing these strategies, businesses can optimize sales territory management and ensure that their field sales efforts yield the best possible results in acquiring new clients and expanding their market reach.

Sales Presentations and Negotiations

A crucial aspect of field sales is the sales presentation. This is an opportunity for sales representatives to meet with prospects and customers in person, showcasing the value of their products or services. Sales presentations are designed to engage, inform, and persuade potential buyers to make a purchase, and they often include visual aids, product demonstrations, and compelling narratives that highlight the benefits of the offering.

During a sales presentation, it’s essential for field sales reps to be confident and knowledgeable about their products or services. They must be able to answer any questions or address concerns that may arise, and present information in a clear and concise manner. This can help to establish trust with the potential buyer and increase the likelihood of a successful sale.

Following the sales presentation, the negotiation phase often begins. This is a discussion between the buyer and the seller aimed at reaching a mutually beneficial sales deal. Negotiations allow sellers to address any remaining concerns or objections the buyer may have, re-establish the value of the product or service, and explore possible compromises.

Field sales representatives must be skilled at negotiation, as their goal is to close the deal and secure an agreement. Some helpful skills and tactics for successful negotiation include:

  • Active listening: Understand the buyer’s needs and concerns by paying close attention to what they say.
  • Finding common ground: Identify shared interests and goals to help both parties feel more connected and willing to compromise.
  • Offering concessions: Be willing to make adjustments or find creative solutions to meet the demands of the buyer.
  • Setting the stage for future negotiations: If an agreement can’t be reached, leave the door open for future discussions and maintain a positive relationship.

In conclusion, sales presentations and negotiations are critical components of the field sales process. Utilizing effective communication skills, a thorough knowledge of the products or services being offered, and a willingness to find common ground and compromise are key to engaging prospects and closing deals successfully.

Customer Retention and Feedback

Customer retention is a crucial aspect for the success of any business, and it refers to a company’s ability to keep existing customers and continue to generate revenue from them. By focusing on increasing customer retention by just 5%, companies can increase their profits by 25% to 95% (source: In the context of field sales, an effective customer retention strategy helps in maximizing a customer’s lifetime value (LTV) and ensuring steady sales revenue.

Field sales teams often prioritize building strong and lasting relationships with customers, which eventually helps improve customer retention. Meeting prospects and customers in person not only creates a more personal connection but also enhances the overall communication between the parties involved. This face-to-face interaction allows sales reps to better understand the customers’ needs and tailor their offerings accordingly.

Actively seeking customer feedback is another key aspect of customer retention. By asking for feedback, businesses can identify potential issues, address any concerns, and improve their products or services based on genuine customer insights. Customer retention surveys are a valuable tool in this regard, as they help businesses understand the reasons behind customer churn, evaluate the competitiveness of pricing, and assess the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

In the realm of field sales, collecting feedback is often easier, as sales reps can directly ask customers about their experiences and gather honest opinions during their in-person interactions. This valuable information can then be used to enhance the products or services offered, address customers’ concerns, and make data-driven decisions for the company’s growth and success.

In conclusion, customer retention and feedback play a vital role in field sales, as they help businesses build strong and lasting relationships with their customers, leading to increased revenue and long-term success. By investing in effective customer retention strategies and actively seeking feedback, field sales teams can ensure that they continue to offer valuable solutions tailored to their customer’s needs.

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